Sunday, October 7, 2012


I was traveling by bus from Tanga to Dar Es Salaam. We passed Muheza heading to Hale, suddenly the driver was sweating profusely and vomiting. The women passengers insisted that, the driver should pack aside and get first aid because he seemed to be unwell. He obeyed and parked the bus off road. All women stepped down and one offered the driver some drinking water. After few minutes, the driver claimed to feel well and ready to continue with safari. It is unbelievable some passengers, mostly men boarded back and convincing the driver to drive. 

The women refused and remained down and arguing the driver not to drive and he should call his boss to bring another bus with another driver to carry on long journey. Not only that it seemed he was struggling with engaging gears since when he departed from Tanga. So, we all agreed not to continue with safari considering the driver condition and the bus seems to have technical problem with gears. Men were furious as they wanted to arrives in time.  After about 2 hours the bus with another driver came at site and we changed and carried on journey. 

I was asking myself, what real happened to the driver?? food poisoning? high blood pressure? low blood sugar and alike. Why he had such signs of shock or low blood sugar such as profuse sweating. Suppose he could get blackout while driving what could happened?. Why some of us we don't value the life that we are gifted. Most accidents are preventable if we take charge of our lives, this will happen only when we can say no to high speed, no to drunkard driver and overloading. In this case if women did not stand firm and men win their proposal, i'm not sure this bus could be able to climb the hill roads, mind you i said about gears were not engaging normally. In short the strength of women made me happy this week. Yes! it is women's power. Tujaribuni for next prezo 2015 election. Malawi na Liberia wameweza sisi kwani nini tusiweze.

1 comment:

  1. Hallo, Doctor Grace, yaani siamini kama kweli tulikuwa wote katika basi lile. Ukweli ni kwamba Mungu ndiye aliye iongoza safari yetu hadi tukafika salama.Nasikitika hatukuwahi kutambuana mapema na kusalimiana hadi wewe ukateremka Segera.
    University best mate,
    Doctor M.B
