Thursday, June 7, 2012

Nyisanzu are among the reported disappearing tribe, this is due to intermarriages and immigration. I would briefly introduce this tribe where my grand father and mother belong. The source is wikipedia.

Isanzu people

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
The Isanzu (who refer themselves as 'Anyihanzu') are an ethnic and linguistic group based in the Iramba District of Singida Region in central Tanzania. In 1987 the Isanzu population was estimated to number 32,400. They speak a Bantu language (Kinyihanzu), have matrilineal descent groups and are agriculturalists who subsist on sorghum, millet and maize. People are poor, and make a living as farmers and through migrant labour to other parts of the country, principally, Arusha.[1]
The area was colonized by Germany in the late 19th century, and during the First World War, occupied by British forces. Following the war Tanganyika became a British Trust Territory and a British administration governed this area, like the rest of the Territory, through a policy of Indirect Rule until independence in 1961


The Isanzu speak a Bantu language called kinyihanzu. Nearly everyone also speaks Swahili, the nation's lingua franca. Kinyihanzu is similar the Nyaturu language, another Bantu language spoken to the south in the Singida area, but it's not clear that they're closely related.

Big Clans and Families

1. Kitunga 2. Msindai 3. Mpeku 4. Manzawa 5. Mpinga 6. Mahumi


  1. Du! In 50 years to come there will be no such a thing like Nyisanzu tribe

    1. It is true. Everybody wishes to be recognized by who he/she is. The intermarriages and migration in Tanzania will lead to disappearance of some tribes especially the minority. Our wish is to survive. God have mercy.

    2. dah:-).Im so impressed with this information,im the one belong to the tribe,we are still present at large.
